Education on Human Flourishing through Defending Life from Conception to Natural Death
The Sanctity of Life Action Committee provides pro-life education through Three Pillars:
1) Science 2) Philosophy 3) Law
In an increasingly secularized world that emphasizes materialism and relativism, the understandable result and response in this generation has been malaise and a fatalistic mindset that threatens the sanctity of life at all ages. But, beneath this all, people are still struggling to find truth and meaning. SOLAC’s College Outreach poses questions and challenges for students looking for the truth that will set them free.
Culture of Life The topic of abortion points to a wider-ranging concern of “throw-away culture” that threatens to diminish respect for human life at all stages. SOLAC challenges students to find the truth and change their mindset in a world that encourages this generation to see life as discardable or not worth living.
Our Speakers Our speakers have a wide range of backgrounds on topics inscience,philosophy,and lawto educate students on the intrinsic value of life as well as toprovide the toolsto understand the framework for human flourishing and how being pro-life is fundamental for this. SOLAC provides contacts and speakers from East Texas and beyond to speak from the richness and standpoint of the Catholic faith.
In Addition SOLAC equips students to go out and share the truth with others and provides resources for college students struggling with difficult decisions, from unplanned pregnancy to the aftermath of abortion.